Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Why traditional marriage in Africa before be legaly bridal?

Remark:The truth is Agreement of parents and Sexual relation between Hisband and his Wife .No before and No Forced marriage.So warning!

In general, African traditional marriage are 3 important things that summarizes most often by "dot" that some African legislation recognizes. Thus we have: The meeting and the presentation of two families, the official presentation of the gifts, and the rite of union itself. Each phase requires specific expenditure items, constitutes intense moments of unforgettable celebrations for couples. What are these phases?Afro marriage brings you briefly some light:
Why traditional marriage in Africa before be legaly bridal?  Whether in North Africa, South Eastern, Central or Western ... customary marriages exist in different forms and vary in some features closely. This important ceremony that values parents-and the two families, takes place in the family of the woman who is honored. Its goal is to unite in holy matrimony two families (if monogamy) or groups (if depolygamie).

The meeting and the presentation of two families
In fact before this phase, certain steps have already been taken by the family of the bridegroom among influential members of the family of the bride. So in fact the presentation of the two is the official phase of the operation. During this phase of protocol on the bride and groom who are low profile, cede authority to the two heads of families who occupy the first places that night, and that entrust (their separate) the bargaining power a diplomat person, gifted with tact and "know how to speak."Thus, in a ritual atmosphere, the diplomat (A) chosen by the bride householder asks the host family (the groom) to appear (affiliation, rank nobility, Etc ...) and give reasons for their visit in the concession. The diplomat (B) chosen by the family head of the bridegroom, without first answer that comes to pick the woman uses different phrases and language packages to deliver the most courteous answers, diplomatic and indirect. This game answers questions, leads to acceptance of the family of the bridegroom by the bride, gift exchange phase or acquires begins.

Phase gifts: dowry(defined as selling according to Dictionary)

For us this part of marriage is simply the moment of hypocrisy, or haggling over the thing (the daughter married) In Europe it is in EURO the bride must pay its large dowry.It is the hard phase of Commerce human another form nous.Please excuse us but when anyone selling his daughter for the simple reason that the general who comes to marry his wife is a lot of money etc. 

Indeed, this phase is generally that of the official presentation of some symbolic material demands, required by the parents of the bride in recognition of various educational efforts, protection, nutrition that were able to provide their daughters with departure will create a vacuum see a loss with them. This is also the time to officially hand over to the bride's symbolic gift which varies by crop (loincloth fabric, jewelry, shoes, silver etc.).the symbolism here is to formally show that the bride will not suffer. Some gifts (usually money in cash) are delivered confidentially to parents and some important members of the beautiful family. Official gifts to give this days, are varied and depend tribes or ethnic groups. For example in some Beti peoples in Cameroon, step parents can symbolically require a giant pork, home appliances, some cod cartons, or a particular brand of wine

The union rite symbol of union for life 

 Originally this rite symbolizes the union of two families for all eternity. Divorce does not exist in most African cultures. It is for these reasons that in some tribes, widows were entitled to marry a brother of their late husband and the heir had the right to treat women like his father his after the death of this one. This logic which until today still exists in some tribe of the center or West Africa, demonstrates the marriage bond of eternity in Africa.It is for this reason that in general, when some union rites for traditional marriage, customary officiating symbolic mix two different drinks (palm wine and red wine, for example) which become homogeneous, and are boirele Drinkware both future spouses; By this act symboliqueces future spouses swear before the assistance they agree to be unispour lifetime. And to symbolize acceptance, usually the bride gives the head of their family, a drink and a strong fruit to symbolize ethnicity (Kola, dates, milk, palm wine ...), which in turn distributes to all assistance . After this final phase that ends in the festivities, the groom's family can go now with their new wife.In future articles, we will detail the different phases and in the case of African-Western peoples (Antilles, Martinique, Guillanais ...)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Aida&anthon Bridal Day

REMARK: The truth marriage is Sexual  relation Between Husband and his Wife,No before!
The Weddings party room 

The choice of the reception room is an essential step in the organization of a wedding. What auswählen formulas: rent June wedding hall? CHOOSE A wedding Restaurant? Rent June wedding tent pour organizer this outdoor event? CHOOSE not pay castle? The choices are endless!

The meal after the wedding also plays an important role in all your preparations. Many questions arise: who to call for the meal? The wedding caterer and popular. He takes care of meals and can also arrange the cocktail. Who do you trust the realization of the cake, the wedding cake or other cakes equally appetizing? How would you compose your wedding menu, what are the quantities expected, how to print the menus? Finally, how to arrange the seating plan, key to a successful atmosphere?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Boti&zamb Bridal Day

Remark:The truth marriage is Agreement of Parents and  sexual relation between
Man and Woman No before!
The Weddings party room 

The choice of the reception room is an essential step in the organization of a wedding. What auswählen formulas: rent June wedding hall? CHOOSE A wedding Restaurant? Rent June wedding tent pour organizer this outdoor event? CHOOSE not pay castle? The choices are endless!

 The meal after the wedding also plays an important role in all your preparations. Many questions arise: who to call for the meal? The wedding caterer and popular. He takes care of meals and can also arrange the cocktail. Who do you trust the realization of the cake, the wedding cake or other cakes equally appetizing? How would you compose your wedding menu, what are the quantities expected, how to print the menus? Finally, how to arrange the seating plan, key to a successful atmosphere?

Purposes of Wedding

REMARK: The truth marriage is Sexual  relation Between Husband and his Wife,No before!

What Are Six Purposes for Marriage?

God designed marriage to fulfill six important and vital functions. When we understand them, we will be better able to honor marriage.

1. Companionship

True companionship grows out of a oneness of spirit. This occurs in marriage when both the husband and wife can say, “My spouse is my best friend.” “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3).

2. Enjoyment

The principle behind enjoyment is self-control. “Marriage is honorable [precious] in all, and the bed [should be kept] undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4).

3. Completeness

God designed Eve to complete that which was lacking in Adam’s life. “And Adam said, … She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man” (Genesis 2:23).

4. Fruitfulness

God’s first command in Scripture is this: “… Be fruitful [bear fruit], and multiply [increase], and replenish [fill] the earth …” (Genesis 1:28).
The very nature and character of God is to multiply life, whereas the nature and character of Satan is to multiply death.

5. Protection

A husband is to protect his wife by laying down his life for her. (See Ephesians 5:25.) A wife is to protect the interests of her home. (See Titus 2:4–5.) Parents are to protect their children to raise up a Godly seed.

6. Typify Christ and the Church

Marriage is to be a human object lesson of the divine relationship between Christ and believers. (See Ephesians 5:31–33.)

Purposes of Wedding 1

 REMARK: The truth marriage is Sexual  relation Between Husband and his Wife,No before!

 With weddings so expensive these days, there are many who are choosing to skip the event and put the money into a down payment on a townhouse, or pay down school debt. It sure makes sense when you consider how financially tethered young couples find themselves, even before handing out an average of over $25,000 for a wedding. So are weddings that important? Are they really worth the money?
About ten years ago, this topic came up on a Public Radio broadcast that I was invited to join. Since it was a burning issue then, when our economy was in fairly good shape, you can imagine the scope of the issue today with so many facing serious financial burdens. But my perspective on the topic has not changed with the additional financial struggles we all face. I believe that weddings are important even now when so many engaged couples are broke.
A wedding has three purposes, each with its own price tag. But only one of the purposes is so valuable that it should not be ignored.
One purpose of a wedding is to celebrate the marriage. In some cultures, that celebration can go on for a week or more with the couple's parents (or the couple) supporting the lavish living of friends and relatives as they party on. In our culture, the celebration usually lasts only one evening, but it can still be very expensive.
Another purpose that isn't often stated, but usually exists, is the showcasing of the bride. It's her day. She grabs the center of attention, and the more that's spent, the more valuable she will appear to be to the guests -- and presumably, to the groom.
But it's the third purpose of a wedding that is the most valuable of the three. It's to provide a ceremony of spoken promises. Before God and witnesses, a bride and groom recite their vows to each other.
So if you are thinking of saving money by skipping the marriage, I'd like you to consider a worthy option: Have only a wedding ceremony.
A Valuable Wedding Ceremony
A wedding ceremony's prime function is to provide the bride and groom an opportunity to make promises to each other. Those promises form the basis of their marriage and give the officiating clergy the right to pronounce them man and wife. So care should be taken to be certain that the promises, if kept, will make their marriage fulfilling and secure. And the entire ceremony should emphasize and clarify those promises to the friends and family that attend.
Traditional wedding promises go something like this:
Will you take this (woman, man) to be your (wife, husband), to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you love (her, him), comfort (her, him), honor and keep (her, him) in joy and in sorrow, in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others be faithful to (her, him) so long as you both shall live.
These and similar vows emphasize three core elements of marriage that have proven to be very valuable over the centuries. First, a marriage is a permanent relationship (as long as you both shall live). Second, it is sexually exclusive (forsaking all others be faithful). And third, it is a relationship of extraordinary care (love, comfort, honor, and keep in joy and in sorrow, in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health). 

I encourage a bride and groom to write these promises in their own words, and expand upon them. Their marriage will be permanent -- they are in this relationship for life. They will guard their marriage from outside threats, making sure that they will never have a romantic relationship with anyone else. And they will care for each other far more than they will care for anyone else -- they will be first in each other's lives.
Extraordinary care means that they will do what they can to make each other happy by meeting each other's most important emotional needs, especially the needs of affection, intimate conversation, sexual fulfillment, and recreational companionship. And they will take the necessary time to be sure that those needs are met, regardless of how busy they become.
Extraordinary care also means that they will avoid making each other unhappy. They won't be demanding, disrespectful, angry, or dishonest. They will consider each other's feelings and interests before making decisions. If one objects to what the other wants to do, that person simply won't do it until a mutually enthusiastic agreement is reached. They will protect each other from their selfish instincts.
The entire marriage ceremony should reflect on those vows. The music and the minister's sermon should focus attention on what the bride and groom will be promising each other. By the time the vows are spoken by the couple, no guest should have any doubt regarding the meaning of their promises to each other. And the ceremony should be a guide for guests who may have forgotten their own promises. Many who attend weddings find themselves recommitting themselves to each other when the purpose of the ceremony is made clear.
Should You Have a Wedding?
The primary objection to having a wedding these days is the cost. But the cost of a wedding ceremony, the most important part, is negligible. Anyone can afford one. It's the other parts that put a wedding outside of the financial reach of so many.

So consider having a wedding without the celebration and showcasing of the bride. I know that for some, that advice may seem out of touch with what people expect, especially the bride. But when you consider the alternatives (no marriage or no ceremony until every expectation can be afforded), a ceremony by itself begins to sound reasonable.
One advantage to a wedding ceremony only, or a ceremony with a very limited celebration (cake and punch in the church's reception area), is that you can invite as many guests as you want. The cost is almost the same whether 50 or 500 attend. And the more who witness your marriage, the more support you will have in the years ahead. These are the people who heard your vows and will hold you accountable to fulfill them. Ultimately, that's the real purpose of a wedding.